A slacker

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Everyone around me is busy studying for their exams, except me.

Dearie - doing his papers required by his work

Fides - upgrading herself for a better future

XP - also upgrading herself for a brighter future

Me - watching tv, watching all these people studying, doing nothing

I really need to do something but... but .... BUT .... for what?

ever heard of this story where the grasshopper was playing all the time during summer while the ants were busy storing up their food supply before winter comes ... the grasshopper was laughing at the ants for being a fool to waste away the good summer by working ...

when winter comes, the grasshopper has no food to eat coz he did not prepare himself for winter and had to starve/freeze to death ... while the ants survived the winter...

moral of to story? my friends are the ants while i am the grasshopper ... hahaha

see, sometimes, it is easy to know how certain decisions one make in life will affect the later part but we just choose to ignore the consequences or just procrastinate and procrastinate and procrastinate ...

p.s dear friends & dearie
pls jia you ok ...=)


posted by Francesca Cecilia at 10:29 PM, |


  At May 14, 2007 11:32 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Yo, missy.

I'm studying now so i can slack in the future leh. :P not as hardworking as u tot la