Work Expectations

Thursday, June 07, 2007
Realised that the girls here like to keep things to themselves and complain to their bosses whenever they felt that they are 'ill' treated or when the other party does not give them the information that they need.

at first, i was not very sure about the causes of their unhappiness until today when one came in to my room to ask me some things and indirectly sharing with me her complaints...

it dawned on me that these people are habouring expectations abt how others should behave - just because that person has worked here long enough, just because he/she thinks that the other party has prior experience or is considered an experience staff ...

they are harbouring expectations based on prior knowledge for e.g. eh, last time my company not like that one... last time we do not do it this way ... (at this point, i felt like telling them straight in the face that things change and you need to modify your expectations ... rudely put, it would be "hello, wake up from your idea .. each place functions differently... if previous place is good, then why leave???)

they failed to see the point that they need to communicate with the other person, modify their expectations and make the necessary changes along the way ... ... well, i do not blame her for i myself fall into the trap at times ...

i guess i can only ask God for more wisdom, patience and understanding from myself and also for the rest of the people...

for changes to take place, it needs two hands to clap ... Jia you lor


posted by Francesca Cecilia at 3:59 PM, |