Getting Married!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
i feel so honoured that pete n i were approached to help out with benny's wedding... we knew each other 2 years ago =)

helping them out makes me think about my own wedding preparation. we are now sharing resources, passing on to them what we had went through - what are the things that help us. Going through the excel file with the time schedule just makes me wonder - did we do that? or rather, dearie is so organised and detailed ... he managed to fill in lots of gaps in the excel spreadsheet. =)

can still remember that i was real busy with work during the preparation for my wedding. thankfully dearie was around to look after most of the stuff...

as it is my friend's turn to tie the knot, i hope that dearie n i are able to help them just as much as how the many nice people had helped us out for our wedding...

may our heavenly Father watch over them and bless this couple that they will walk with you forever and ever as a single unit, united by you.... amen. =)


posted by Francesca Cecilia at 12:14 PM, |