To love . . .

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
When you decide to love someone, does the idea of self still exist?
When you decide to love someone, do you show it or hide it?
The piano accompaniment is nice and the singer sang it quite nicely … here’s the lyrics

这个决定是多么艰难 (this is a tough decision to make)
爱你却选择离开 (I love you but I choose to leave you)
并不是我总把孤单当成习惯 (it’s not because I am used to loneliness(
未来并不如想像中简单 (the future is not as simple as we thought)
我也不是不需要疼爱 (it’s not that I do not need to be loved)
你永远无可取代 (you are irreplaceable)
有个男孩爱着那女孩 (there was a boy loving the girl)
抱歉我 (I am sorry)
我知道自己不负责任 ( I know I am irresponsible)
虽然我 (even though I have)
很认真想过和你过一生 (very seriously considered spending my lifetime with you)
为什么会逃避这一刻 (I still want to run away at this moment(
你握住我的手 (you are holding my hands)
越温暖越疼 (it’s warm but I feel the pain)
抱歉我 (I am sorry)
我应该对自己负责任 (I need to be responsible for myself)
当你说 (when you said)
你都能理解我痛苦失神 (you can understand my pain)
害怕失去一个人 (of losing someone you love)
才想回到一个人 (and want to go back to being alone)
我会 (I will)
把这份爱存放在心的最底层 (keep this love at the bottom of my heart)

But I dun understand the rationale … if you love someone, shouldn’t you be making use of each seconds, each minutes of your life to spend time with that special someone instead of keeping this feelings at the bottom of your heart – where no one would know or experience it …
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 11:15 AM, |