An experience with my Lord

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
We were tasked to do a banner/deco for our coconut stall for our parish feast day celebration and so, we met on Sunday to start working. Through this session, I can feel that God is with us. He has inspired us to do what He wants us to do and the Lord does provide!

Example, dearie forgotten to get the brown paper for the tree trunk but the Lord knows and at the corner of the car park, there were discarded cardboards. So I asked them to use those instead =)

Secondly, we forgot to bring thread and needle. One of us was contemplating whether to go back home to get those. She just asked out loud “should I go back to get the needles and thread”… another replied “no need coz I have them with me” … Praise the Lord!

Another example, someone said, “if only we have a camera to take down the pictures” … another replied “ya! I have the camera in my bag” …

Also, the day before, one of our team-mates is proactive enough to start making the accessories for the banner. I am grateful for her initiative – she did these despite her busy schedule and I must say she is really creative.

Hahaha. We find this so funny and we all exclaimed – ask and you shall receive. =)

By God’s grace, we finished the project within 2 and half hours.

Lord, thank you for inspiring us and help us when we were stuck – like how to cut the coconut leaves. Thank you for showing to me some unknown sides of the people that I have known but not really knew. Thank you Lord for that afternoon of fellowship. Lord, I pray for good weather on Saturday and Sunday and that the banner will stay pretty for the entire feast day. Thank you Lord. AMEN.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 4:51 PM, |