An Enriching Weekend!

Monday, September 18, 2006
I feel so happy.

There are so many thoughts in my head, I just do not know where to start.

This weekend has been fruitful.

Wanted to go for RCIA but I was advised by many people to seek a second opinion for my cough. So I went to see the doctor. The wait was so long – two hours plus. By the time I finished seeing the doctor and made our way to church, I saw my friends waiting at the bus stop – I was like – huh, today’s class ended so early???


Was on MC. The perfect day to rest at home. The weather was cool. I ate my medicine, slept, woke up and packed my messy table. At night, I went to meet some of Dearie’s friends for a drink – yea, I know I am sick and shouldn’t drink but I think I need to pick up my man. Haha

Anyway, being a directionless person on the road, I wasn’t sure how on earth I am going to get to liang court. At the junction, I was wondering if I should make a U-turn or turn right. So I asked God for a sign – just show me a sign – indeed, God is ever faithful. All the cars ahead of me turned right and I just followed. Indeed, it brought me near to liang court. =)

Saturday & Sunday

Spent the two days at FMM for a Faith and Life Retreat. It is really enriching and fulfilling. I shall blog more about it later when I have gathered my thoughts. Though we have sharings throughout the two days, I feel that there are still many things going on in my head, in my mind and I just do not know how to say them out.

This is a good break for me and dearie as we were both very tired about planning for our wedding and our house. This is like a refreshing break – a shower that washes away our tiredness and just forget about all this nitty gritty things and just focus on God, and fellowship.

A big thank you to the facilitators and Fr for making our journey so enriching. =)
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:21 AM, |