Just a guess here ...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Copied from somewhere .....

Rationality vs Emotion
Rationality in times of longing
Rationality in times of lonliness
Rationality in times of sadness
Rationality in times of jealousy
Rationality in times of happiness
Rationality in times of irrationality

How many times of rationality reminders do I need? How many times do I need reality to meet me in the face? Earth continues to rotate, sun continues to rise and set, people continue to move on.
Yes, move on.
I remember.
I will remember.
I must remember.
I know I've made the choice.
People move on. I know.

My take:-

Why be so tough on yourself? Why put on a strong front even in front of your own self?

I know you are going to say that you have to live with the choice since you have decided on it. True but maybe you have not really let the fact sinked in ... go cry it out loud, get emotional, keep the rationality aside/away for a while.

Let your own true self flow out for once. After all these, you may be able to move on just like how the other person had moved on.

Hmm, I think you know who i am referring to and what i am referring to. I may be wrong about the particular issue but i suppose this applies to all or most of the situations that we may face in life... allow yourself to be sad, to cry for a while and after all these, just wipe the tears away and move on ... just like our school motto "UP & ON!!!!!*

Hearts are in the waking here ,...

Lives are in the making here ....

Mighty undertaking here

Up & on ... Up & on ....

~My School Song~

posted by Francesca Cecilia at 3:10 PM, |