A Mother's Thoughts

Monday, December 19, 2005
Just wondering how a mother would feel when

1. her daughter decides to embrace another faith and is preparing to get married.

2. when all her kids are all grown up and she does not need to worry abt them failing subjects in school

3. she realised that she had lots of time on hand but dunno what to do with them and her worries would be whether her kids would get a good job

hmmm, maybe she would ask herself what is her purpose in life and maybe if her heart is opened enough, she may just hear God calling out to her.

I suppose her response will not be immediate but I am sure it will happen in His time.... let's be patient while we wait in joyful hope for the day to come. In the meantime, let's just continue to learn and be more Christ-like.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:26 AM, |