
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today’s readings from Veritas…

1 Peter 1:10-16

Psalm 98

Mark 10:28-31


'Do not yield to the desires that once shaped you in your ignorance.' 1 Peter 1:14

Lent begins tomorrow with the ashes of Ash Wednesday. It's common to hear people plan parties for tonight with huge amounts of sweets and other pleasures. After all, the thinking goes, we won't be able to enjoy ourselves again until Easter.

It's true that Lent is a season to focus on acts of self-denial. Self-denial, however, is not unique to Christians. Athletes (1 Cor 9:25), pregnant women, soldiers (2 Tm 2:4), dieters, Buddhists, and others often perform heroic acts of self-denial that make giving up chocolate for the forty days of Lent pale in comparison. Our Lenten sacrifices must help us grow deeply in our relationship with Jesus. Our Lenten crosses, when joined to the sacrifices of Jesus (1 Pt 4:13; Col 1:24; Phil 1:29), become acts of penance and reparation.

Will your Lenten self-denials simply be acts of self-improvement, or will they help you to 'draw close to God' (Jas 4:8)? Is your goal to 'make it' to Easter with no failures, or is your goal to be united with the crucified Jesus out of love for Him?

As for not being able to 'enjoy ourselves' again until Easter, when we draw close to Jesus in a spirit of repentance, we will find a joy that is heavenly (Lk 15:7, 10), 'full' (Jn 16:24), and 'inexpressible' (1 Pt 1:8). No Mardi Gras party can begin to compare with sharing in Jesus' joy. So why wait until tomorrow to 'draw close to God'?

Turn to Jesus today.

Hmm, this offers food for thought. What should I do in order to grow deeper in my relationship with Jesus?

I remembered this time last year (when I was still new to the catholic church), I attended stations of the cross with dearie. We reflected on Jesus’ Passion (dear bros, correct me if I am wrong here) – the 14 stations and that tired me out – can you imagine, we are doing it in the comfort of the church while Jesus had to carry the BIG CROSS and subjected himself to the beatings and I suppose it must be very hot under the sun and yet, he still walked on. He walked on so as to carry out His Father’s will, so that Man and God can be reconciled. He is willing to be the bridge between mankind and God … how touching.

This Lent, it is going to be something different – reason being, I have grown in faith.

Lord, help me to walk closer to you. Amen.

posted by Francesca Cecilia at 9:30 PM, |