Work vs Church

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Am I giving myself too much stress?

Or am I slow at work?

Or am I impatient?

These two days I was on course. The training took place within office compound.

Each morning I would rush in to office to clear outstanding matters, return during lunch time to check and after class, return to office to clear whatever that had arise while I was away and on both days, I leave office exhausted.

It is the same today. There are things due (no one specify any deadline but there have been hanging in the air for quite a while and I ought to deliver by now.) but there is also BS… I want to go BS but there is work outstanding.

Is this the price to pay in return for the increment? I can still remember when I first started working, life was not as stressful but as I grow older, the size of my responsibility and stress grows as well.

Well, in case you are wondering, I made it to my BS – work – I’ll leave them till tomorrow.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 7:22 AM, |