A Meaningful Day
Thank you, Lord for granting me the graces to play along with the Choir.
Though I was feeling nervous and totally not confident, You helped me along and the Mass went well.
Thank you Lord for being ever so faithful to Your child’s prayers for help.
Thank you Lord, for the talent that you have given to me and thank you Lord for surrounding me with so many wonderful friends.
Thank you Lord for giving me Peter who is ever so organized and focused to balance my messy nature.
Lord, make me humble. I offer up to you my pride and anger so that I can grow to be more humble.
Lord, thank you for allowing me to take part in the choir practice for Brother Gerard’s ordination. The songs were so beautiful. I guess these are just glimpse of Your beauty (oh yes, and also thank you for the fellowship).
Lord, I know that the coming two weeks will be very busy for me. But Lord, I trust that You will clear my way so that I can make it to attend the practices for Brother Gerard’s ordination as well as the actual ordination. Lord, help me to work efficiently and effectively during the day so that I can have more time to focus on other areas of my life – preparing myself for the sacrament of marriage, attending church activities etc, activities at developing my spiritual life.
Lord, You are a really beautiful God. Lord, help me to radiate Your Light in all that I do and speak. Guide me to make decisions - according to Your definition and not the world's.
Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.