Der Freie Wille

Monday, November 27, 2006
Dearie and I watched an intensive movie over the weekend – The Free Will (Der Freie Wille).

I liked it as it presents a side that a society does not want to see. Usually, we would condemn a rapist/abuser – like why he did it? And we pited the victim. For this show, it shows that the male lead was having problems. He would want to beat (badly bashed them) and then raped the woman whenever he is angry. He has an anger within him that he himself cannot control.

When he fell in love with a woman, his tender side shows. However, he realises that he is unable to control the “animal” in him.

Go and watch the movie. The ending is really unexpected.

Sad but it shows that he really wanted to change and to have a beautiful life with the girl whom he can finally communicate with ….
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 9:09 PM, |