
Friday, December 29, 2006
There are so many fakeys in this world. :(
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 12:07 AM, | 0 comments

This year's theme

Monday, December 25, 2006
We had sharing today.

I was thinking hard about what I want to share. I prayed for H.S to guide me …

The prompting came. … I shared

Last year’s I had many promptings from God about His Graces … This year, another theme stood out … that is “To give” …

Throughout this advent, I had been giving:

Giving my time to help out in the Church events.

Giving my time to go for a mission trip to Batam

Giving my time to go for choir practise for a brother’s ordination (due to work commitment, I did not join them at the choir area)

Giving my time to dearie’s family. I believe this strength came from God. In the past, I was a selfish person.

Giving my time to join fellow parishioners to visit a home

And today, the message on the board was that “God gave us His only son …”

Yes, even God is always giving. I should be more generous in giving as well …it is a joy to be able to give to others what i had received from God ....
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 2:32 AM, | 0 comments


Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I am tired

I dunno what I wanna do

It seems like I dun have time for myself

All the time is spent running around, ferrying people around, trying to be a ‘good’ person

I am tired

I missed choir practice today. I dun feel like going.

But I feel bad that I did not turn up


Why the contradictory feeling?

Where is my passion? My love for God?

I still love Him but I just can’t bear to drag my body to do His work


There is so many things to do, so many roles to play

A daughter

A daughter in law

A god daughter

A daughter of Christ

A friend

A sister

A wife …

posted by Francesca Cecilia at 7:02 AM, | 0 comments

Have Faith!

Saturday, December 16, 2006
What you are going to read is what my ex-colleague wrote after I shared with her some of my difficulties ….

Perservere, don't give up.. The "difficult people and situations" you encounter are just God's way of strengthening us.

You must always remember, your love for God and Christ should surpass everything else. If you take your service to God as a way of "giving back" to God what He had given for us... you will be able to accept the challenges easier. Pray and recite the rosary before each lesson - ask the Holy spirit to touch you and guide you in your sharing.

Have faith and I am sure God will see you through whatever obstacles ahead.

Thank you Lord for sending me an angel to tell me that I should continue walking with you …

We did not talk much during my stay in my previous company. After I left, we did not keep in touch. But last year, I met her at the Novena Family Healing Mass …. This common factor sort of kept us together …
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 1:24 AM, | 0 comments


Monday, December 11, 2006
My own version of God's splendour ... Enjoy (p.s no time to do photoshop la)

posted by Francesca Cecilia at 7:10 AM, | 0 comments

Thank you Lord

My Lord never fails to amaze me and surprise me.

Many things happened to me these days but it is all for the purpose of me being able to see Him clearer.

My doubts, and my unwillingness were all taken away when I begin to trust. Trust and let Him guide me.

This week’s Advent theme is “You will see the splendour of the Lord if you are pure and blameless …”

Splendour of the Lord – yes, He is around us, He is everywhere… There was this video clip that would have been aborted but somehow, with the guidance from the Holy Spirit, we were able to show it as part of Advent activity.

In the video, we get to see God’s creation – from simple sunrise, to clouds, animals, babies and couples… it was just so wonderful. I was touched.

On the way to Church, I looked towards the sky – the clouds – there were all so beautifully formed. I told dearie – look at the clouds. They are so beautiful and they seemed so near us …. it is just like God showing me His wonderful creation. =)

In preparing for Advent, I learnt to let go and offered my help to a fellow brother from another group. I learnt to be not so bothered by what others are doing/not doing but what I do for Him.

During Choir, I learnt to depend on Holy Spirit to guide me in playing parts of the Mass, and when I am singing. It is beautiful when I let Him lead me.

Of course, the story of Nativity teaches me that even though God did not promise me a smooth life, whatever I do for Him, will be worth my every effort coz His rewards is really something money can’t buy …

Of course, I thank Lord for my hubby. He is a wonderful guy (ok, though we sometimes quarrel :P but he cares for me.)

I thank Lord for my wonderful bros and sis-in Christ. I thanked Aurelia for her open sharing. I feel that open sharing is really important if we were to journey in this faith. Through sharing, we are better able to see where we are and how we can ask God to guide us along …

I thanked God for the many blessings that He has so generously given me …

Thank you Lord for answering my prayers, to let me know that you love me and for making me realise that yes Lord, I love you too and if it is Your will that I be baptised, let Your will be done. You are my good Shepherd. Thank you Lord.

Dear bros and sises reading my blog … pls pray for me and my fellow bros and sis in RCIA Romans.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:39 AM, | 0 comments

My Spiritual Journey

Sunday, December 10, 2006
We were tasked to prepare the parishioners for Advent. Through this preparation, we were faced with many obstacles … for myself, I felt drowned.

For the first time, I felt that I did not want to go for my Thursday class, knowing that there will be long (endless) meetings even though it was getting late (with people giving suggestions/orders when they themselves were probably not working on it).

I was wondering if what I felt was wrong but I decided not to go coz I had been having headaches almost every day since Monday and thought I should go back for an early rest.

However, the movie that I watched on Friday makes me realized that I should not care about what the other people doing, I should not care if they are doing less. I should not care if they are doing it for their own ego or their own pride. I should not bother if there are only a few people helping out and what happened to the rest of the people.

I should just do my part coz I am doing God’s work. I am doing it for Him. I should trust that He will see me through.

I went to help out for today’s decoration. Though I can’t draw, I helped to hold the ladder, helped to see if the letterings are crooked … I feel that I am not of much help but nevertheless …. *shrug* the turnout today was worse than last week … but with God’s grace, we still managed to put up the decorations.

I learnt that I should put aside my own pride/hostility and be really humble – to accept help and to offer a hand ... in whatever small ways that I am able to do. I guess this is what God wants us to do. Just like He chose Mary and Joseph to be the parents of His Son – who are just normal humble folks.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 3:45 AM, | 0 comments

The Nativity Story

The Nativity Story


Dearie and I went to watch this movie on Friday – seems like it is turning into our routine stuff (haha).

This movie brought to life what I had read in the bible, about the situation during their time and their strong faith in God.

I felt many emotions while watching the show … how Mary and Joseph supported one another as they made their way to Bethlehem, how one of the three wise men so strongly wanted to followed the stars because of his belief and the other two men followed. Though the other two were complaining throughout the journey, what greeted them at the end makes them feel that it is really worth the effort etc …

I felt that Joseph is a really good, responsible man. He was frightened … he was even wondering how or what he could teach baby Jesus (who is God and he is man) ….nevertheless, he continued to walk on with Mary.

For Mary, despite knowing that she will face hostility when she returned home, she decided to fulfil her promise and live among her villagers … she was frightened but she still walk on …

For King Herod, he was so power hungry and he thought that the King of all Kings would come in the form of a grown man and not a baby … this shows a contrast between man’s thinking and God’s …

At the end of the show, Mary’s commented that God gave her the strength she needed. God had delivered them… this sets me thinking of my current spiritual life …
Thank you Lord for showing me through this movie how much faith Mary and Joseph have in You. They are really stellar examples for us to work towards to – to have faith that You will give us strength. Though the journey may be tough and not easy going, You have shown that You are with us all the time. Thank you Lord for giving us Your only Son, to show us how we should live our lives… Thank you Lord. Amen.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 3:27 AM, | 0 comments