The Nativity Story

Sunday, December 10, 2006
The Nativity Story

Dearie and I went to watch this movie on Friday – seems like it is turning into our routine stuff (haha).

This movie brought to life what I had read in the bible, about the situation during their time and their strong faith in God.

I felt many emotions while watching the show … how Mary and Joseph supported one another as they made their way to Bethlehem, how one of the three wise men so strongly wanted to followed the stars because of his belief and the other two men followed. Though the other two were complaining throughout the journey, what greeted them at the end makes them feel that it is really worth the effort etc …

I felt that Joseph is a really good, responsible man. He was frightened … he was even wondering how or what he could teach baby Jesus (who is God and he is man) ….nevertheless, he continued to walk on with Mary.

For Mary, despite knowing that she will face hostility when she returned home, she decided to fulfil her promise and live among her villagers … she was frightened but she still walk on …

For King Herod, he was so power hungry and he thought that the King of all Kings would come in the form of a grown man and not a baby … this shows a contrast between man’s thinking and God’s …

At the end of the show, Mary’s commented that God gave her the strength she needed. God had delivered them… this sets me thinking of my current spiritual life …
Thank you Lord for showing me through this movie how much faith Mary and Joseph have in You. They are really stellar examples for us to work towards to – to have faith that You will give us strength. Though the journey may be tough and not easy going, You have shown that You are with us all the time. Thank you Lord for giving us Your only Son, to show us how we should live our lives… Thank you Lord. Amen.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 3:27 AM, |