Walking with me

Friday, January 26, 2007
Having God guiding me everyday is a really beautiful thing.

From last week till this Tuesday, I was feeling really grouchy and sensitive. I get angry easily – due to tiredness from work, aching body, and busy work schedule.

I was walking in darkness until Tuesday when I realised that work is taking control of my life (I realised it in the morning).

In the evening, along the way to pick up dearie, I smsed Aurelia and Francis, asking them to pray for me. We continued to sms each other and through this sharing, I felt better. I was more relaxed and could face Wednesday better. If I just do my best, just leave it to God to do the rest … this really works.

On Thursday, despite having to rush a report out, I cleared with my boss if I could hand it in later. She agreed – so I went for my class happily.

On Friday, supposed to go on leave but I went back to office to clear the bulk payment. A day’s leave turned to a half day leave turned into a no leave. I was angry at first but I tried to think from His point of view, in a sense that I need to be responsible for my work. So, I began to let go and I felt better.

Later in the afternoon, my colleague commented “wa, you got force to cancel leave and yet you are still so happy.” She continued to say that I am always happier after Thursday’s class. Though she is new in the company, she had this observation. Another colleague replied her – that’s because she has the Joy of Chrsit... .

Yes, thank you Lord for walking with me all these days and all these hours. ;)

posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:20 PM, |