Busy Day

Friday, October 14, 2005
I am blogging from office. It is year end closing and there are tons of reporting to do, deadlines to meet and the auditors are here. I had to skip my RCIA class this week. =(

The topic is on MY FATHER. Wonder what will be shared tonight. =(


Though I am staying late tonight and missed my RCIA, I am thankful that my boss bothered to sit down and explain on how i should go about doing my reporting. She is very busy too but she bothered to guide me through. I am very thankful.

I can't say that i am as nice as she is. For one, i can be mean to the auditors, especially those who ask questions when the answer is staring @ their face.

Well, i suppose i need to learn to be more patient.


Got to go off now...
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 12:14 PM, |