Just some thoughts

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Had our first interview with Fr. T today.

He asked us a simple question which we cannot answer. As a result, we were told to go home to write an essay. I suppose the objective of this exercise is to make us see clearer where we are heading towards (maybe it is an exercise to tune our wavelengths to be in sync)

Well, I have about 2 ½ weeks to ponder over his question till we meet him again in the middle of Feb.

It’s a wonder how we do things in a reverse order – decide to get married and then sign up for marriage preparation course to prepare ourselves for married life. How come it is not the other way round – go for a MPC to understand what marriage is about before deciding if you want to take the final plunge.

Just my thoughts.


Why does one feel so short fused when under the influence of medication?

It's not healthy - we are just getting on each other's nerves and "killing" each other.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 7:09 AM, |