The Lord is my shepherd.

Saturday, February 11, 2006
Time flies – this week just flew by and another weekend is coming up and the Chinese New Year celebration will be ending soon.

This had been a challenging week – I was being tested on my patience, love quotient, being humble and resisting the temptation to bitch/complain about my colleague/work.

I suppose when there is interaction with people, we tend to want people to do things our way, we tend to be critical and are quick to form an opinion without first examining ourselves (ok, Jesus mentioned something about looking at yourself before commenting on others .. but I just cannot remember the exact chapter.)

This had happened a few times this week – I encountered my colleague (SL) complaining to me about how the other had hogged the system and resulted in her not being able to run the report. I tried to stay neutral coz I knew that it is not her fault. She had scheduled the report to be executed at night but somehow, the report was only being generated in the morning. I told her to do something else first.

SL was supposed to submit the monthly report to me and I must say that I have been very patient with her till she gets on my nerves that I raised my voice to drive home the point that she needed to look more clearly to see what she was doing.

Everytime I tried to teach her some thing – I noticed that she did not bother to write them down. I had been guiding her for the past few months and I think this should not go on. She has to learn to know how to prepare the report. I am supposed to review and not to do the report for her. I noticed that she will get defensive and not admit that she had failed to do her work properly. I got quite mad till I felt like there was atomic bomb going off in me. The urge to complain/ to bitch about her was there but I kept telling myself that I should just keep it between me and her and not to affect other colleagues. It is not easy.

Secondly, there was another colleague. She was new and I suppose she wanted to try to fit in as soon as possible. But not all people can take her style. She had a funny way of saying her two cents which I find at times hard to reply. I tried not to reply during moments like these. Also, I noticed that SL would have a critical look on her face whenever this new girl opened her mouth to share her two cents.

That night, I went home – complaining to dear dear (only briefly), my mum and a friend. After all these complaints, I still did not feel shiok so I decided to seek solace in God – I read the Bible and I spoke to God. After these, I did feel a lot better. At least God understands me.

And so I began a new day on Thursday.

I was really looking forward to going for RCIA class – for the fellowship, the food (yum yum), the bible study class so that I can just get away from all the madness during the day. I thought I could not make it for class as I had two reports due on Thursday but with God’s amazing grace, He cleared my path *Praise the Lord!*
At the class, though everyone went there after work, the atmosphere was unusually chirpy. It was a good way to end my hectic, emotionally challenged week.

Thank you Heavenly Father for your generous showering of strength on me. You are my pillar of strength and my anchor throughout the daily madness.

Thank you for giving me these experiences with my colleague that made me realized even more that only You hold the solution to my problems and that I should leave them to You to be in charge.

Lord, I ask you to help me – that I will be more patient with the people around me and show me how I can effectively communicate and manage with my colleagues. Take away my quick temper, my complaints and let me know how to work things through with my colleagues in ways that are most pleasing to your eyes.

Thank you Lord, for answering my prayers and clearing my path so that I can go for RCIA.

Thank you Lord, for the wonderful fellowship that I had had. It’s the most refreshing and exciting event in this whole week for me. Indeed Lord, you refresh me everyday and you are watching over me in every little thing that I do – be it breathing, eating, sleeping, working or playing. Thank you Lord…. I lift up my prayers to You through Jesus Christ my Lord. AMEN.

“We remember how you loved us, to your death, but still we celebrate for you are with us here……We remember, we celebrate, we believe …”
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:55 AM, |