Thinking out loud

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I’ve not watched news for a long time. … as I sat down to watch the news, it seems like the world is getting into a mess – war here, typhoon there, tsunami there, man killed family before killing himself, man tried to commit suicide by jumping onto the train track. …. Really depressing….

Hmmm, I am also wondering if I want to be an accountant. Apart from being an accountant, what can I do? Should I just tender, serve notice, then rest for a while before setting out on my journey again? Frankly, I do not have the courage to just quit without a job but I have been working for the past few years and it is getting tiring… do I want to do the same thing (only in different environment) all the time?
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:21 AM, |