Wedding: Expectations
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Why do people get angry/frustrated with each other?
It is because we have expectations of each other, of ourselves
Father shared in his homily that we should love one another – continue to give unconditionally but that does not mean that we need to have expectation.
Just like Jesus poured himself out to do His Father’s will, he did not expect all to become his followers overnight. Instead, he knew that most of us won’t repent yet, he asked Heavenly Father to forgive us for we do not know what we aredoing.
As a couple, it is always easy to have expectations of your spouse – especially when he/she is someone close to you. This can either make us become a better person or it could make things worse.
During this marriage preparation, I do admit that there were times where Pete has expectations of me and vice versa. But all these lead to anger and frustration, casting doubts on our relationship – am I sure I want to marry him/her etc. I suppose this is one common trap that many people fall into.
However, if we ground ourselves firmly in God’s love, we will be better able to forgive and accept the other person as who he/she is – the good and the bad. Nothing will kill us even if the other fellow did something stupid. Just let go and let God take care of things.
I feel that the homily is very good for us – that we should not have expectations but to love. All actions should be out of love. Continuous giving is important and always give without expecting the other to give back the same amount or more.
Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us this important advice through Fr T on our wedding day. Lord, I ask that you continue to be our guide and bless us with a happy marriage. Thank you Lord, Amen.
Why do people get angry/frustrated with each other?
It is because we have expectations of each other, of ourselves
Father shared in his homily that we should love one another – continue to give unconditionally but that does not mean that we need to have expectation.
Just like Jesus poured himself out to do His Father’s will, he did not expect all to become his followers overnight. Instead, he knew that most of us won’t repent yet, he asked Heavenly Father to forgive us for we do not know what we aredoing.
As a couple, it is always easy to have expectations of your spouse – especially when he/she is someone close to you. This can either make us become a better person or it could make things worse.
During this marriage preparation, I do admit that there were times where Pete has expectations of me and vice versa. But all these lead to anger and frustration, casting doubts on our relationship – am I sure I want to marry him/her etc. I suppose this is one common trap that many people fall into.
However, if we ground ourselves firmly in God’s love, we will be better able to forgive and accept the other person as who he/she is – the good and the bad. Nothing will kill us even if the other fellow did something stupid. Just let go and let God take care of things.
I feel that the homily is very good for us – that we should not have expectations but to love. All actions should be out of love. Continuous giving is important and always give without expecting the other to give back the same amount or more.
Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us this important advice through Fr T on our wedding day. Lord, I ask that you continue to be our guide and bless us with a happy marriage. Thank you Lord, Amen.
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Post a CommentWish u n Pete, opps I mean 水来,a very very blissful marriage with God's love. May it be filled with understanding and appreciation for one another :D