My new year resolution …

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I have yet to spend time on setting my new year’s resolution(s) but I suppose, topmost on my list is to learn to be humble.


There will be many changes in my life, especially this year and many more changes in the years to come.

There are many new things to learn. People may come and tell me things which I had failed to take note of or things that I had never come across in my short working life. At times, I tend to let my emotions rule my head. Hence I need to be humble and accept all these ‘feedback’ and not take on a defensive stand (just because I do not like the person).

Personal life
MAJOR changes expected and a good dosage of humility is required.

I should not be a Sunday Catholic. I ought to get more involved in Church. Yes, I should join a ministry.

3. CPA
Yea, it has been long overdue.

Hmm, losing the steam to exercise. I am getting lazy

5. Spend time with family and be patient with them
As I grow older, I get more frightened. My parents are getting older and each of us has our own matters to attend to. I hope that I can manage my time well and can afford time for my folks. Of course, as my parents are getting older, they tend to be more long winded. I need to be patient with them.

posted by Francesca Cecilia at 6:34 PM, |