Praise for God’s Universal Glory
We were told to line up in the basketball court … I thought “Oh, do they want us to do some morning exercise?”
No. But something better …
We were told to shout out our thanksgiving to God, our Heavenly Father … there were more than 10 of us and I thought what happens if what I want to say has been said by someone else …
I was wrong – there are lots of things to be thankful for – the weather, the nice scenery around us, the wide array of God’s creation, the people around us, the invitation from God to come for this retreat, someone is even thankful for the crockroaches - haha - thankful for our friends, for our family members, for God’s calling out to us while we were in darkness, for the food we have, the job and money in our pockets. Thankful for the trials that we are going through coz that is when we cling on even more to God.
It feels good to be shouting out to God our thanksgiving … if only I can shout out to God in my own room without scaring my neighbours .. *hiak hiak*