Joan's Blog

Monday, April 24, 2006
Just came back after my retreat and my brother asked me if I want to read the newspaper.

I asked him, what's interesting? He said nothing much but there is a very sad story.

He showed me the Life's section - they featured the story of Joan - a young girl who has cancer. It saddens me to read that her condition has taken a turn for the worse. The newspaper also carried her blog address and her latest entry ... being curious, my brother and I went online to read.

She's intelligent, pretty and life ahead seems just so good but then cancer came and took away all her things.

I do not know how is her condition now but do pray for her.

Dear Heavenly Father, hear the cries of Joan. Calm her fears anf give her strength. Dear Heavenly Father, be with her family members. I asked this through Jesus Christ, AMEN.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 4:22 PM, |