Happy Birthday, Romans!
One year.
We have grown closer to one another. In the first night, we were all like lost sheep. There was a calling and we just gathered there, not knowing how the journey will be liked. There were the facilitators – some or most of them are pretty nervous as well – just like the ‘inquriers’. There were those who have been through the journey and are sharing their experience with a few of us who dared to open our mouth to talk. There were those who were just hanging around and looking at us. All these happened one year ago.
I remembered the first few people I spoke to – Aurelia and Ping Fong … Aurelia – this name was so difficult to pronounce … haha. Ping Fong – a quiet girl – too quiet I thought. But during this one year, I realised that they are all quite fun people to be with – with their own sense of humour. =)
Yee Ling – was with her in the group of sharing after the night of blind walk. Quiet yet strong girl I thought. One year on, we became email exchange buddies.
Leon and Brenda – This is one funny couple. Kept to themselves for most of the time. But during the Holy Spirit Retreat – Leon opened up and they began to blossom … Nice couple to talk to …
Julie – Quiet and dun really dare to talk to me at first … but now, she is warming up and she has a lot of experience to share ….
There are so many of us in this class who has changed over this one year … Cynthia, Jessie, Siew Choo, Rick, Suba, Gillian …. Some have fallen off this journey – maybe it is still not their time … maybe …
This decision to take on this journey has been the best made so far …. The Lord opened many doors for me.
Like the hymn that was sung on the opening nite – Be not afraid … I will go with you, come follow me and I will bring you rest …Thanks be to God.
Happy One Year Old all ROMANS! =)