An opened door?
I can be my own boss, do things my way, set up things my way.
Is this an opened door from the Lord? To take me to another place – I do not know.

This is the day that the Lord has made ... we will rejoice and be glad in it .....
The Lord formed me in my mum's womb 27 (or 18?) years and 9 months ago ... He has a plan for me even before I came into this world. He called me by my name and knows who I am inside out - my strengths and weaknesses...
Thank you Lord - for all the blessings that you have given to me - for my wonderful family members and friends.
I am glad I took the courage to choose life over work.
I was contemplating in staying back to keep my girl company as she tried to finish the accounts for me to review or just leave her to do her work while I go off.
There is an important session going on and I really do not want to miss it.
I took the stand to go off.
On my way, I passed by U-turn signs – should I go back and lend support and also review the accounts? I pressed on, ignoring the U-turn signs that I saw.
Then I drove past my house – I had not had an early sleep since last Friday. Should I go home to rest? The urge was there but I continue on …
Surprisingly, I made my way to church. Even though I left at about 7pm, I managed to get to church by 740pm.
Praise the Lord for giving me the smooth traffic and to ignore all those distractions and focus on him and the class.
Also, the topic last night was on Luke chapter 16. In the gospel, there was a rich man and a dishonest steward – their similarity – love of material possession.
Hmm, this sort of relates back to my current situation – am I working to live or live to work? Am I getting more in love of money, work or with my life… of course I would want to choose life over money or other material possession but it is just so easy to get lost in the world.
Thank you Lord for showing me that loving you and the people around me is the correct thing to do. Thank you Lord for showing to me that by submitting myself to you, you will lead me out of my ‘wildernesses. Thank you Lord, Amen.
p.s my girl has finished the accounts and there wasn't much to be changed - Praise the Lord!