Rite of Election

Monday, February 26, 2007
Had my rite of election last saturday .. once again, i experienced God's love for me.

Prior to the rite, i was hestitant - should i continue with the journey? should i tell my mom? what kind of trials would i face during this period - in short, lots of questions. i asked for strength and courage.

He showed me His plan for me.

Throughout the Mass, He spoke to me - He reminded me how I had came to know Him. How He has been guiding me - for the past 22 months. (actually, even before the Mass, Fides n I were sharing how we came to know Him).

He told me - Dear child, i will always walk in front of you. Do not worry, do not be afraid. I have called you in the dark and you have responded. I will not leave you alone. I will always be with you.

I felt His assurance. He asked me to go forth to proclaim His word.

Then my godma - i think she is really God sent - she asked me gently, have you told ur mama about your baptism? I told her no... but she said, you must let her know.

I thought about it. Yes. Part of my hestitaion to take a step forward is becasue i didn dare to tell her. After the Mass, I called her and told her about the stuff. She wasn't happy initially but she was OK later. For me, i just felt immense joy - like a load has been lifted off me. I can move on courageously forward.

Hmm, dear friends, just continue to keep me in your prayers and let's continue to share with one another. Let's move on together with our journey. Up and On!

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posted by Francesca Cecilia at 10:31 PM, |