O This Heart of Mine that's so Prone to Wander

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Yesterday, i was having the feeling of "should i skip choir tonight" when i login to check my yahoo mail ... guess what greeted me? He knows what i was thinking and he gave me his answer through a friend ...

Come,Thou Fount of every Blessing
Tune my heart to Sing Thy Grace;
Streams of Mercy, never Ceasing,
Call for Songs of Loudest Praise
Prone to Wander,
Lord, I Feel it,
Prone to Leave the God I Love;
Here's my Heart,
O Take & Seal it;
Seal it for Thy Courts Above!

Yea, i went for the choir and i felt good. Thank you Lord for calling me back to you =)


posted by Francesca Cecilia at 12:13 AM, |