God's Beauty

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Today is one hectic day. Everyone is trying to churn out the monthly highlights. As if it is not enough of a rushed job, there are several ‘ingredients’ added to it – holidays coming up next week (but my parent company is not having holidays! And it is time for quarterly reporting), new colleagues who are still not familiar with how the reporting works, the reporting timeline, and system bugs that took many days before being resolved.

In the midst of all these rush-rush, patience may get short-circuit and temper may flare. Well, at least this was what I felt this morning.

Then I remembered – I just need to turn to God. He will definitely guide me through. Before I killed the next innocent victim, I said a short prayer asking for the peace of Jesus and that He will guide me through.

Indeed, for the rest of the day, I am able to take things A LOT easier. No one was killed by me for the rest of the day.

In fact, many things went smoothly for me that I can even sit down to guide my new colleague through her reporting. *Thank God*

I admit in my craze doing up cross-stitching, I had taken a step back in terms of spending quality time with God. I am guilty but the urge to finish my cross-stitch is there ALL THE TIME! Nevertheless, God is here for me. He forgave me and continues to guide me….
Hmmm, I should really make that effort to spend more quality time with Him.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 3:56 AM, |


Hey, With the help of the Lord I am sure things will get done.

Remember to show me ur cross stitch when it's done orh :)