My Faith and I

Thursday, February 16, 2006
I read the daily reading last night and the following sentences struck me. I called to mind my not-so-nice behaviour/thoughts during the day.

“A person whose faith is not practical is like a man who knows what he looks like by seeing himself in a mirror but then goes off and promptly forgets what he has seen.

Faith enlightens us as to our identity. Faith is like a mirror in which we can see that we have become children of God. Out actions should flow from this identity …. And a person of faith, a child of God should radiate the goodness of God.”

Lord, help me to radiate the goodness of You. I am sorry for lapsing into my sinful thoughts/behaviour during the day. Lord, help me to love the people around me and to accept them for who they are from the bottom of my heart and not from pretence. Lord, I seek Your help through Jesus Christ, AMEN.

Read James 1:19-27.
posted by Francesca Cecilia at 9:16 PM, |